Sunday, July 29, 2012

Stomach Acid Reflux Tips

Stomach Acid Reflux Tips

So lets talk about Stomach Acid Reflux to make sure
you understand how it occurs.

The Gastrointestinal System of the body is composed
of the following: the oral cavity, the esophagus,
the stomach, small intestine, large intestine and the


The main function of the Gastrointestinal System is to
digest food particles, absorb digestive juices and
eliminate undigested materials out of the system as

The acid reflux affects the stomach and the esophagus.
This occurs when the liquid from the stomach which
contains pepsin and digestive juices, goes up to the
esophagus passing through the cardiac sphincter.

Cardiac Sphincter Is Involved

The cardiac sphincter is the opening to the stomach from
the esophagus. Its function is to prevent reflux of the
substances in the stomach because these substances cause
esophageal irritation and ulcer. If the cardiac sphincter
fails to close after receiving food from the esophagus,
acid reflux occurs.

It can also open again, due to certain foods or stress and
let the contents of the stomach up into the esophagus if
you burp, bend over or lie down with a full stomach and then
acid reflux can occur.

Foods To Avoid

So one part of the answer is to cut out sugars and sugary foods.
This is usually one of the foods that will set this off.

For a complete answer, you need to check out  reviews for reflux
diets for the problem. Click Here. This has helped thousands of people.